This museum is one of the best museums in the world although the museum is almost never mentioned in the list of Louvre in Paris and Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

The address is Maria-Theresien-Platz-A, Vienna. Every year, the museum attracts more than one and a half million visitors. Book tickets in advance.

The museum houses masterpieces of European painting. The palace was built by Frans Joseph to house the imperial art of the Habsburg family. Two identical buildings are opposite each other: the art history museum (Kunsthistorisches museum) and the natural history museum.

Art history museum in Vienna

Masterpieces by Rembrandt, Rubens, Caravaggio, Vermeer and Rubens hang in this museum. Below are some pictures of some paintings.

Adam and Eve in Vienna
Adam and Eve
Art in Vienna
Man with Lion paw (Lorenzo Lotto)

Four paintings by Giuseppe Arcimbolo hang together. These four paintings represent the four seasons.

Summer in Vienna
Summer (Giuseppe Arcimbolo)

One of the masterpieces in my opinion is a painting by Caravaggio: David with the head of Goliath.

Upon entering, an image of Antonio Canova awaits: Theseus & Minotaurus. The statue had a mouth mask on because of Covid-19.

In addition to the paintings, there are also Egyptian objects and Roman statues. Below a short impression

Image in Art History Museum Vienna
Faces from ancient times
Two Roman statues in Vienna Art History Museum

In addition to the statues, there are also antique utensils (vases) and jewelry.

Art historical museum

A visit to Vienna is not complete without a visit to the Coastal History Museum.