With the venison with truffle gravy I served Brussels sprouts with chestnuts. This recipe is from Gastronomixs who have it from GK Foods.

Ingredients (4 persons)

Ingredients for Brussels sprouts and chestnuts
  • 200 gr. Brussels sprouts
  • 100 gr. chestnuts
  • 25. gr. smoked bacon
  • knob of butter


Heat the oven to 200°C. Once the oven is up to temperature, roast the chestnuts for 15 minutes.

Roasted chestnuts

Remove the chestnuts from the oven and peel and finely chop the chestnuts.

Roasted and peeled chestnuts
Sliced chestnuts

Wash the Brussels sprouts and remove the outer leaves. This can be done by cutting off the bottom of the sprout. Make sure the leaves are without holes and look nice. Blancheer de spruitjesbladen kort (30 seconden) en koel ze daarna in ijswater.

Brussels sprouts

Blanch the Brussels sprouts briefly (30 seconds) then cool in ice water. Flatten the Brussels sprouts slightly and cut very thin strips from the Brussels sprouts (cut chiffonade). Put aside

Brussels sprouts

Cut the bacon very small and fry in a frying pan without butter. Add the chestnuts when the bacon is slightly crispy.

Stew the chopped Brussels sprouts in butter with a little bit of butter. Add to the bacon and chestnuts and stir well.

Stewing Brussels sprouts
Brussels Sprouts With Bacon

Fill the outer leaves of the Brussels sprouts with the mixture and serve with venison sous vide.

Brussels sprout with venison